There’s nothing like a peaceful ‘wilderness walk’ with your dog through unspoiled scenic countryside. The beauty and simplicity of enjoying Mother Nature whilst following less well-known trails and footpaths can be one of the most enjoyable experiences you can share with your pet.

Open parkland, woodland glades, coastal cliffs, rolling hills and hidden coves – the Isle of Man offers ample opportunities for dog lovers and their pooches to explore fun and interesting walks whilst creating happy, fond memories that will last a lifetime.

Take the road less travelled

Dogs love to scamper about and snuffle at all those countryside and woodland smells and as the seasons’ change, so does the landscape. To make each walk more fascinating and to keep your dog mentally stimulated, you might spend some time studying an Ordnance Survey Explorer Map of your local area. You will discover new nature trails for your rambles and offer your dog fresh new perspectives on ‘going for walkies’.

Alternatively, you can visit to uncover a series of picturesque walks that will take you off the beaten track, and around some of the Island’s most striking spots.

Life’s a beach

Give a dog a bone or give a dog a beach and watch your pet burn off all that energy! Lots of sand, water to splash in, and the freedom to run wild is a great combination to encourage your mutt to engage in all manner of entertaining and amusing crazy capers. Provided that laws or regulations allow your furry friend on the beach, a seashore is definitely a place that will contribute to your canine’s happiness and emotional wellbeing. Dog-friendly beaches include Ballaugh Beach (The Cronk), Fenella Beach, Jurby Beach, Kirk Michael Beach, and Garwick Beach.

Clifftop walking

Get your pooch’s adrenalin going on those winding paths along the island’s dramatic clifftops. Known for its striking scenery and rugged coastline, the Isle of Man boasts breath-taking walking trails where you and your dog can explore, stop for munchies, or chill out on your outdoor adventure.

Suggested walks include the path from Niarby, a rocky headland on the southwest coast, to the seaside town of Peel, and the coastal path of Raad ny Foillan (The Way of the Gull). Both take you over the cliffs and promise a fun time with stunning coastal views.

Paw-fect walks for you and your dog(s)

The mutt:

  • keep me on a lead (fixed or retractable) and under close control around livestock, wildlife and other walkers – avoid causing unintentional distress to other animals, especially during the lambing season

  • make sure I’m microchipped and wearing a collar with an ID tag (name & address)

The master/mistress:

  • stay vigilant, especially when entering a field etc. – leave gates as you found them
  • be on the lookout for potential threats and unexpected hazards
  • wherever you are, clean up after your dog (bag it & bin it)
  • pack tasty, healthy treats so that your pooch will come when you call
  • check in advance if you and your mutt are allowed on the land you plan to walk on
  • keep your dog under ‘effective control’ (kept on a leash or in sight at all times – pet will return to you on order)
  • pack water and a bowl for your walk – do not allow your dog to drink from stagnant water sources
  • check the weather forecast before setting off on long treks
  • familiarise yourself with toxic plants to stop your pooch from ingesting them

Enjoying yourselves to your heart’s content

Taking advantage of the freedom to take your dog off the beaten track and along some of the Isle of Man’s spectacular walking trails will surely lead to sheer happiness for both you and your dog.

For information on healthy treats for your dog visit: